The Mount Royal University chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society is the first in Calgary and the second in Alberta. Since 2015, the chapter has welcomed more than 400 members and eight honourary inductees, including Mayor Naheed Nenshi. Membership is by invitation only for the top 15 per cent of students based on academic achievement. Golden Key helps members realize their potential through its three pillars: academics, service and leadership.
The New Member Recognition Event (NMRE) is an annual celebration to induct new members invited to the Society and his held on campus in late November.

Project Overview
Working as the MRU Golden Key Society Chapter's Communications Advisor, I prepared a news release to send to media both internal and external to campus to inform audiences about the 2018 NMRE hosted on November 27. The day of the event, I emailed the release to more than 20 news desks.
At this event, four prominent members of the Calgary and MRU communities were inducted into the chapter as honourary members of the Society. I worked with Andrea Ranson, Director of Communications at MRU, to format the news release after drafting copy. Ms. Ranson provided a quote from MRU Dean, Dr. David Docherty (2015 honourary inductee). I wrote the MRU chapter's boilerplate and Alvin Law's quote.
Mount Royal University chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society inducts prominent Calgarians as honourary members
CALGARY, November 27, 2018 - The Mount Royal University (MRU) chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society this evening inducts four honourary members who exemplify the Society's three pillars: academics, service and leadership.
Inductees include: Bill Brooks, long-time journalist covering Calgary's social and philanthropic scene; Karen Young, CEO of United Way Calgary and Area; and, Allison MacKenzie, Chair of the MRU Public Relations program. MRU Distinguished Alumnus and 2018 Canadian Disability Hall of Fame inductee Alvin Law will be the event keynote speaker and fourth honourary inductee.
"Being part of this Golden Key event is humbling and an exciting opportunity to speak about the magic of MRU," says Alvin Law, "I credit my success in life to my parents, special teachers and Mount Royal College - it's always great to be able to give back."
"We are thrilled to induct these four outstanding Calgarians and to recognize their contributions to the community," says Andrew Roberts, Co-President of the MRU Golden Key Society. "They each exemplify Golden Key's values through their varied achievements in academics, service and leadership."
More than 50 MRU students will also be inducted into the chapter through a membership presentation. New student members are in the top 15 per cent of their programs academically.
David Docherty, President of Mount Royal University and 2017 inductee says, "It's been wonderful to see students in the Mount Royal chapter giving back to programs like the Boys and Girls club of Calgary and Brown Bagging for Calgary's Kids."
WHAT: MRU Golden Key Society chapter inducts 2018 honourary inductees
WHO: Keynote speaker and honourary inductee Alvin Law, along with honourary
inductees Bill Brooks, Karen Young and Allison MacKenzie. MRU Golden Key Society
co-presidents, Andrew Roberts and Julia Phillips will be available for media
WHEN: Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 7:00 - 9:30 PM
WHERE: Ross Glen Hall / EC 1060 4825 Mount Royal Gate S.W. Media can park in East Gate
loading zone.
Established in 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia, the Golden Key International Honour Society provides members with opportunities to partake in service initiatives, network with peers across institutions and apply for both local and international scholarships. More than two million Golden Key member are in 390 chapters across Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa, The Bahamas and the United States. Learn more at www.goldenkey.org.
The Mount Royal University chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society is the first in Calgary and the second in Alberta. Since 2015, the chapter has welcomed more than 400 members and eight honourary inductees, including Mayor Naheed Nenshi. Membership is by invitation only for the top 15 per cent of students based on academic achievement. Golden Key helps members realize their potential through its three pillars: academics, service and leadership. Learn more at www.facebook.com/mrugoldenkey.
Aaryn Lynham
Communications Advisor
MRU Golden Key chapter
(403) 519.1119